August 2011
Saturday, August 13 2011
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Fulham - Aston Villa
15.00 Liverpool - Sunderland
15.00 Manchester City - Swansea City
15.00 Newcastle United - Arsenal
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Stoke City - Chelsea
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Everton
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Manchester United
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Norwich City
Saturday, August 20 2011
15.00 Arsenal - Liverpool
15.00 Aston Villa - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Manchester City
15.00 Chelsea - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Everton - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Manchester United - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Norwich City - Stoke City
15.00 Sunderland - Newcastle United
15.00 Swansea City - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Fulham
Saturday, August 27 2011
15.00 Aston Villa - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Everton
15.00 Chelsea - Norwich City
15.00 Liverpool - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Manchester United - Arsenal
15.00 Newcastle United - Fulham
15.00 Swansea City - Sunderland
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Manchester City
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Stoke City
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Queens Park Rangers
September 2011
Saturday, September 10 2011
15.00 Arsenal - Swansea City
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Manchester United
15.00 Everton - Aston Villa
15.00 Fulham - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Manchester City - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Norwich City - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Newcastle United
15.00 Stoke City - Liverpool
15.00 Sunderland - Chelsea
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Tottenham Hotspur
Saturday, September 17 2011
15.00 Aston Villa - Newcastle United
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Arsenal
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Norwich City
15.00 Everton - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Fulham - Manchester City
15.00 Manchester United - Chelsea
15.00 Sunderland - Stoke City
15.00 Swansea City - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Liverpool
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Queens Park Rangers
Saturday, September 24 2011
15.00 Arsenal - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Chelsea - Swansea City
15.00 Liverpool - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Manchester City - Everton
15.00 Newcastle United - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Norwich City - Sunderland
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Aston Villa
15.00 Stoke City - Manchester United
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Fulham
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Tottenham Hotspur
October 2011
Saturday, October 1 2011
15.00 Aston Villa - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Manchester City
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Chelsea
15.00 Everton - Liverpool
15.00 Fulham - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Manchester United - Norwich City
15.00 Sunderland - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Swansea City - Stoke City
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Arsenal
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Newcastle United
Saturday, October 15 2011
15.00 Arsenal - Sunderland
15.00 Chelsea - Everton
15.00 Liverpool - Manchester United
15.00 Manchester City - Aston Villa
15.00 Newcastle United - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Norwich City - Swansea City
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Stoke City - Fulham
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Bolton Wanderers
Saturday, October 22 2011
15.00 Arsenal - Stoke City
15.00 Aston Villa - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Sunderland
15.00 Fulham - Everton
15.00 Liverpool - Norwich City
15.00 Manchester United - Manchester City
15.00 Newcastle United - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Chelsea
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Swansea City
Saturday, October 29 2011
15.00 Chelsea - Arsenal
15.00 Everton - Manchester United
15.00 Manchester City - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Norwich City - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Stoke City - Newcastle United
15.00 Sunderland - Aston Villa
15.00 Swansea City - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Liverpool
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Fulham
November 2011
Saturday, November 5 2011
15.00 Arsenal - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Aston Villa - Norwich City
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Chelsea
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Stoke City
15.00 Fulham - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Liverpool - Swansea City
15.00 Manchester United - Sunderland
15.00 Newcastle United - Everton
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Manchester City
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Wigan Athletic
Saturday, November 19 2011
15.00 Chelsea - Liverpool
15.00 Everton - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Manchester City - Newcastle United
15.00 Norwich City - Arsenal
15.00 Stoke City - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Sunderland - Fulham
15.00 Swansea City - Manchester United
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Aston Villa
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Blackburn Rovers
Saturday, November 26 2011
15.00 Arsenal - Fulham
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Everton
15.00 Chelsea - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Liverpool - Manchester City
15.00 Manchester United - Newcastle United
15.00 Norwich City - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Stoke City - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Sunderland - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Swansea City - Aston Villa
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Tottenham Hotspur
December 2011
Saturday, December 3 2011
15.00 Aston Villa - Manchester United
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Swansea City
15.00 Everton - Stoke City
15.00 Fulham - Liverpool
15.00 Manchester City - Norwich City
15.00 Newcastle United - Chelsea
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Arsenal
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Sunderland
Saturday, December 10 2011
15.00 Arsenal - Everton
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Aston Villa
15.00 Chelsea - Manchester City
15.00 Liverpool - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Manchester United - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Norwich City - Newcastle United
15.00 Stoke City - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Sunderland - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Swansea City - Fulham
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Wigan Athletic
Saturday, December 17 2011
15.00 Aston Villa - Liverpool
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Everton - Norwich City
15.00 Fulham - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Manchester City - Arsenal
15.00 Newcastle United - Swansea City
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Manchester United
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Sunderland
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Chelsea
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Stoke City
Tuesday, December 20 2011
19.45 Queens Park Rangers - Sunderland
19.45 Tottenham Hotspur - Chelsea
19.45 Wigan Athletic - Liverpool
19.45 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Norwich City
Wednesday, December 21 2011
19.45 Aston Villa - Arsenal
19.45 Blackburn Rovers - Bolton Wanderers
19.45 Everton - Swansea City
19.45 Fulham - Manchester United
19.45 Manchester City - Stoke City
19.45 Newcastle United - West Bromwich Albion
Monday, December 26 2011
15.00 Arsenal - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Newcastle United
15.00 Chelsea - Fulham
15.00 Liverpool - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Manchester United - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Norwich City - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Stoke City - Aston Villa
15.00 Sunderland - Everton
15.00 Swansea City - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Manchester City
Saturday, December 31 2011
15.00 Arsenal - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Chelsea - Aston Villa
15.00 Liverpool - Newcastle United
15.00 Manchester United - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Norwich City - Fulham
15.00 Stoke City - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Sunderland - Manchester City
15.00 Swansea City - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Everton
January 2012
Monday, January 2 2012
15.00 Aston Villa - Swansea City
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Stoke City
15.00 Everton - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Fulham - Arsenal
15.00 Manchester City - Liverpool
15.00 Newcastle United - Manchester United
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Norwich City
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Sunderland
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Chelsea
Saturday, January 14 2012
15.00 Aston Villa - Everton
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Fulham
15.00 Chelsea - Sunderland
15.00 Liverpool - Stoke City
15.00 Manchester United - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Newcastle United - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Swansea City - Arsenal
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Norwich City
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Manchester City
Saturday, January 21 2012
15.00 Arsenal - Manchester United
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Liverpool
15.00 Everton - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Fulham - Newcastle United
15.00 Manchester City - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Norwich City - Chelsea
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Stoke City - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Sunderland - Swansea City
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Aston Villa
Tuesday, January 31 2012
19.45 Bolton Wanderers - Arsenal
19.45 Manchester United - Stoke City
19.45 Sunderland - Norwich City
19.45 Swansea City - Chelsea
19.45 Tottenham Hotspur - Wigan Athletic
19.45 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Liverpool
February 2012
Wednesday, February 1 2012
19.45 Aston Villa - Queens Park Rangers
19.45 Blackburn Rovers - Newcastle United
19.45 Everton - Manchester City
19.45 Fulham - West Bromwich Albion
Saturday, February 4 2012
15.00 Arsenal - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Chelsea - Manchester United
15.00 Liverpool - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Manchester City - Fulham
15.00 Newcastle United - Aston Villa
15.00 Norwich City - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Stoke City - Sunderland
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Swansea City
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Everton
Saturday, February 11 2012
15.00 Aston Villa - Manchester City
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Everton - Chelsea
15.00 Fulham - Stoke City
15.00 Manchester United - Liverpool
15.00 Sunderland - Arsenal
15.00 Swansea City - Norwich City
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Newcastle United
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - West Bromwich Albion
Saturday, February 25 2012
15.00 Arsenal - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Chelsea - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Liverpool - Everton
15.00 Manchester City - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Newcastle United - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Norwich City - Manchester United
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Fulham
15.00 Stoke City - Swansea City
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Sunderland
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Aston Villa
March 2012
Saturday, March 3 2012
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Aston Villa
15.00 Fulham - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Liverpool - Arsenal
15.00 Manchester City - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Newcastle United - Sunderland
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Everton
15.00 Stoke City - Norwich City
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Manchester United
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Chelsea
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Swansea City
Saturday, March 10 2012
15.00 Arsenal - Newcastle United
15.00 Aston Villa - Fulham
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Chelsea - Stoke City
15.00 Everton - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Manchester United - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Norwich City - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Sunderland - Liverpool
15.00 Swansea City - Manchester City
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Blackburn Rovers
Saturday, March 17 2012
15.00 Aston Villa - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Sunderland
15.00 Everton - Arsenal
15.00 Fulham - Swansea City
15.00 Manchester City - Chelsea
15.00 Newcastle United - Norwich City
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Liverpool
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Stoke City
15.00 Wigan Athletic - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Manchester United
Saturday, March 24 2012
15.00 Arsenal - Aston Villa
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Chelsea - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Liverpool - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Manchester United - Fulham
15.00 Norwich City - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Stoke City - Manchester City
15.00 Sunderland - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Swansea City - Everton
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Newcastle United
Saturday, March 31 2012
15.00 Aston Villa - Chelsea
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Manchester United
15.00 Everton - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Fulham - Norwich City
15.00 Manchester City - Sunderland
15.00 Newcastle United - Liverpool
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Arsenal
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Swansea City
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Stoke City
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Bolton Wanderers
April 2012
Saturday, April 7 2012
15.00 Arsenal - Manchester City
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Fulham
15.00 Chelsea - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Liverpool - Aston Villa
15.00 Manchester United - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Norwich City - Everton
15.00 Stoke City - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Sunderland - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Swansea City - Newcastle United
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Blackburn Rovers
Monday, April 9 2012
15.00 Aston Villa - Stoke City
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Liverpool
15.00 Everton - Sunderland
15.00 Fulham - Chelsea
15.00 Manchester City - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Newcastle United - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Swansea City
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Norwich City
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Manchester United
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Arsenal
Saturday, April 14 2012
15.00 Arsenal - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Chelsea - Newcastle United
15.00 Liverpool - Fulham
15.00 Manchester United - Aston Villa
15.00 Norwich City - Manchester City
15.00 Stoke City - Everton
15.00 Sunderland - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Swansea City - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Queens Park Rangers
Saturday, April 21 2012
15.00 Arsenal - Chelsea
15.00 Aston Villa - Sunderland
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Norwich City
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - Swansea City
15.00 Fulham - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Liverpool - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Manchester United - Everton
15.00 Newcastle United - Stoke City
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Manchester City
Saturday, April 28 2012
15.00 Chelsea - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Everton - Fulham
15.00 Manchester City - Manchester United
15.00 Norwich City - Liverpool
15.00 Stoke City - Arsenal
15.00 Sunderland - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Swansea City - Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Aston Villa
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Newcastle United
May 2012
Saturday, May 5 2012
15.00 Arsenal - Norwich City
15.00 Aston Villa - Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Blackburn Rovers - Wigan Athletic
15.00 Bolton Wanderers - West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Fulham - Sunderland
15.00 Liverpool - Chelsea
15.00 Manchester United - Swansea City
15.00 Newcastle United - Manchester City
15.00 Queens Park Rangers - Stoke City
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Everton
Sunday, May 13 2012
15.00 Chelsea - Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Everton - Newcastle United
15.00 Manchester City - Queens Park Rangers
15.00 Norwich City - Aston Villa
15.00 Stoke City - Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Sunderland - Manchester United
15.00 Swansea City - Liverpool
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur - Fulham
15.00 West Bromwich Albion - Arsenal
15.00 Wigan Athletic - Wolverhampton Wanderers
Friday, June 17, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Charlie Adam's contract Not Likely To Effect Transfer Deals
Much was made of Blackpool's announcement on Wednesday that they had activated an option on Charlie Adam's contract to extend his commitment to them for another year but it's unlikely that the highly-rated midfielder will be following the Seasiders into the Championship.
When Liverpool, Aston Villa and Tottenham attempted to force Ian Holloway's hand in January, he said that he would find it much tougher to keep the Scotland international in the summer as by that stage he will only be signed up for 12 months, making it their last opportunity to collect a decent fee.
Holloway hasn't made any comments since their relegation from the Premier League was confirmed last Sunday indicating that he would refuse to sell the 25-year-old, and instead the option appears to have been taken solely to protect the Tangerines' investment and avoid losing him for nothing.
The Guardian claim that Liverpool maintain an interest in the PFA player of the year nominee, despite having reportedly had a £6 million bid turned down in the winter window, and they may not actually have to increase their offer to convince Blackpool to let him go, as they don't hold as much power this time.
Whether Spurs are also still keen is unclear, as Harry Redknapp spoke glowingly about Adam on Match of the Day 2 recently, however Scott Parker is believed to be the Lilywhites' number one transfer target.
Keep up with all the premier league live matches. and whats going on with your favourite football team.
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When Liverpool, Aston Villa and Tottenham attempted to force Ian Holloway's hand in January, he said that he would find it much tougher to keep the Scotland international in the summer as by that stage he will only be signed up for 12 months, making it their last opportunity to collect a decent fee.
Holloway hasn't made any comments since their relegation from the Premier League was confirmed last Sunday indicating that he would refuse to sell the 25-year-old, and instead the option appears to have been taken solely to protect the Tangerines' investment and avoid losing him for nothing.
The Guardian claim that Liverpool maintain an interest in the PFA player of the year nominee, despite having reportedly had a £6 million bid turned down in the winter window, and they may not actually have to increase their offer to convince Blackpool to let him go, as they don't hold as much power this time.
Whether Spurs are also still keen is unclear, as Harry Redknapp spoke glowingly about Adam on Match of the Day 2 recently, however Scott Parker is believed to be the Lilywhites' number one transfer target.
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kenny dalglish,
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Torres relieved after finally scoring his first goal for Chelsea
It will help him move on quickly.' Magic moment: Torres is congratulated by Frank Lampard (left) and Ashley Cole (right)Luck appeared to have deserted Torres as he raced onto Nicolas Anelka's pass in the 84th minute today, the ball getting stuck in a near-waterlogged pitch. Relief: Fernando Torres is mobbed by team-mates after ending his goal droughtTorres was in danger of becoming the most expensive flop in the history of football after failing to score in his first 13 matches since signing from Liverpool almost three months ago. Popular player: The relief of all of Chelsea is clear to see'He scored and the next game will be, for him, really better. Fine strike: Torres keeps his balance to drill the ball with his left footThe goal sparked jubilant scenes in which Torres was mobbed by every one of his outfield team-mates.'We know we have a great player here, next season is going to go well for him.Fernando Torres felt the pressure lift from his shoulders after finally scoring his first goal for Chelsea on Saturday night.
'I think that the bad moment is gone and now his future will be fantastic here, at this club with his team-mates.'Torres had been relegated to the bench for three successive games, with Drogba's vastly superior form impossible to ignore. There's less pressure for me now, now I can enjoy it.'The pitch was not the best to score the goal, but football is like this,' Torres added.' Chelsea 3 West Ham 0: Fernando Torres breaks his duck as Hammers stay rock bottomPREMIER LEAGUE LIVE: Chelsea 3 West Ham 0 - the action from Stamford Bridge as it happenedOur experience will see us through, says Ferguson in run-up to 13 decisive day.The Spain striker told ESPN: 'It was not the beginning I was expecting when I signed, but it's not easy to go in January or February.'Considering the performance of Didier today, considering that Fernando scored, we have to try to put both together,' he said.'
Hopefully this is the first of many. El Nino: Torres will hope to go on a goalscoring run nowHe said: 'It was a fantastic moment.'Ancelotti would have feared the worst when the ball got stuck in the mud and he added: 'He was unlucky there but it was fantastic to move quickly, to come back and to shoot well.'He needed to score to move from this moment. The pair have failed to strike up an understanding when they have played together but Ancelotti hinted he might field both against Tottenham next week.But it proved a blessing in disguise as the 27-year-old swivelled and fired left-footed into the corner of the net. Bridge backing: Torres paid tribute to Chelsea fans for their patience'
I had more and more anxiety for them than for me.'Manager Carlo Ancelotti was thrilled for Torres, who he insisted last week would open his account before the end of the season.Stamford Bridge also erupted, the Chelsea fans having never lost faith in their record signing.'Torres replaced Didier Drogba, who was not on the field when the moment everyone had been waiting for finally arrived.The ?50million man ended his 15-hour goal drought for club and country just eight minutes after coming off the bench in the champions' 3-0 Barclays Premier League win over West Ham. Catch me if you can: Torres wheels away after scoring'I was in the changing room and I wanted to run and jump on as well,' Drogba said.'We have one week to train, we can try and I think that I will take a decision for the next game.'The fans have been very patient with me,' Torres said.'I kept working and it's thanks to all my team-mates that I scored
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'I think that the bad moment is gone and now his future will be fantastic here, at this club with his team-mates.'Torres had been relegated to the bench for three successive games, with Drogba's vastly superior form impossible to ignore. There's less pressure for me now, now I can enjoy it.'The pitch was not the best to score the goal, but football is like this,' Torres added.' Chelsea 3 West Ham 0: Fernando Torres breaks his duck as Hammers stay rock bottomPREMIER LEAGUE LIVE: Chelsea 3 West Ham 0 - the action from Stamford Bridge as it happenedOur experience will see us through, says Ferguson in run-up to 13 decisive day.The Spain striker told ESPN: 'It was not the beginning I was expecting when I signed, but it's not easy to go in January or February.'Considering the performance of Didier today, considering that Fernando scored, we have to try to put both together,' he said.'
Hopefully this is the first of many. El Nino: Torres will hope to go on a goalscoring run nowHe said: 'It was a fantastic moment.'Ancelotti would have feared the worst when the ball got stuck in the mud and he added: 'He was unlucky there but it was fantastic to move quickly, to come back and to shoot well.'He needed to score to move from this moment. The pair have failed to strike up an understanding when they have played together but Ancelotti hinted he might field both against Tottenham next week.But it proved a blessing in disguise as the 27-year-old swivelled and fired left-footed into the corner of the net. Bridge backing: Torres paid tribute to Chelsea fans for their patience'
I had more and more anxiety for them than for me.'Manager Carlo Ancelotti was thrilled for Torres, who he insisted last week would open his account before the end of the season.Stamford Bridge also erupted, the Chelsea fans having never lost faith in their record signing.'Torres replaced Didier Drogba, who was not on the field when the moment everyone had been waiting for finally arrived.The ?50million man ended his 15-hour goal drought for club and country just eight minutes after coming off the bench in the champions' 3-0 Barclays Premier League win over West Ham. Catch me if you can: Torres wheels away after scoring'I was in the changing room and I wanted to run and jump on as well,' Drogba said.'We have one week to train, we can try and I think that I will take a decision for the next game.'The fans have been very patient with me,' Torres said.'I kept working and it's thanks to all my team-mates that I scored
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Saturday, April 23, 2011
Liverpool, Manchester United and Arsenal target Jeremy Menez set to leave Roma
'Italian media are reporting the Arsene Wenger is willing to offer Roma Abu Diaby in exchange for Menez, whilst Damien Comolli has also expressed an interest along with Sir Alex Ferguson. I want them to understand that Roma will regret their decisions down the line. Fergie wants Sneijder: Manchester United plot ?25m raid on Inter MilanI want to stay at Juventus! ?20m Kop flop Aquilani in Liverpool snub Menez dreams of joining Man United after knocking back Old Trafford before
Explore more:People: Alex Ferguson Places: Liverpool .Should Menez leave the club in the summer, Roma are expected to demand ?10 million for his services and the winger has fuelled his exit by admitting,'My departure is possible. Fallout: Menez has fallen foul with Roma coach Montella and the club's fansUnsettled midfielder Menez, 23, had a furious bust up with coach Vincenzo Montella which is believed to have sparked the violent scenes as the winger left the stadium in his car in the aftermath of the home loss.
'I haven't been given anywhere near as much help as others here. I have been playing here for three years, but in order to do well I have to feel people have confidence in me and that I'm important for the club.Menez was a victim of vandalism from his own club's notorious Ultras fans, who targeted his car in a terrifying rock attack following the club's 1-0 home defeat to Inter in the first leg of the Italian Cup.
The attack left the windscreen of his car shattered and although Menez was uninjured, he reported it to the police who are investigating.Roma midfielder Jeremy Menez is set to end his three-year stay at the Stadio Olimpico with Liverpool, Manchester United and Arsenal all rumoured to be tracking the French international
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Explore more:People: Alex Ferguson Places: Liverpool .Should Menez leave the club in the summer, Roma are expected to demand ?10 million for his services and the winger has fuelled his exit by admitting,'My departure is possible. Fallout: Menez has fallen foul with Roma coach Montella and the club's fansUnsettled midfielder Menez, 23, had a furious bust up with coach Vincenzo Montella which is believed to have sparked the violent scenes as the winger left the stadium in his car in the aftermath of the home loss.
'I haven't been given anywhere near as much help as others here. I have been playing here for three years, but in order to do well I have to feel people have confidence in me and that I'm important for the club.Menez was a victim of vandalism from his own club's notorious Ultras fans, who targeted his car in a terrifying rock attack following the club's 1-0 home defeat to Inter in the first leg of the Italian Cup.
The attack left the windscreen of his car shattered and although Menez was uninjured, he reported it to the police who are investigating.Roma midfielder Jeremy Menez is set to end his three-year stay at the Stadio Olimpico with Liverpool, Manchester United and Arsenal all rumoured to be tracking the French international
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The Manchester derby is set for Wembley
The Manchester derby is set for WembleyManchester City's Europa League commitments will determine whether their FA Cup semi-final against Manchester United can be staged on Saturday, April 16. The FA are waiting for the outcome of City's second leg with Dynamo Kiev before announcing when they intend to stage the Wembley tie. Should City get past Kiev, the second leg of their quarter-final would be played on the Thursday before semi-final weekend, meaning the FA would have no alternative but to give the Sunday slot to the United game. For Liverpool to qualify for Europe, they must finish fifth in the Premier League, win the Europa League or lose the Europa final to a team that have qualified for the Champions League. Manchester United v City FA Cup semi-final 'will cost millions' to policeProud City hero Richards takes a trip down memory lane towards WembleyRichards intent on revenge after firing City into semi-final against bitter rivalsFA CUP SEMI-FINAL DRAW: City drawn against rivals United
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Keep up with all the premier league live matches. and whats going on with your favourite football team.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Fabio Aurelio Is Going To Miss A Month Of The Season Through Injury
Crocked: Aurelio hobbles off on SundayLiverpool defender Fabio Aurelio will be out of action for up to a month with the hamstring injury he sustained during Sunday's victory over Manchester United. The Brazilian limped off only 24 minutes into the 3-1 win at Anfield and the club confirmed he has suffered a tear to the muscle. Aurelio has been troubled by a series of niggling injuries this season and had only just returned from an adductor problem. Liverpool's head of sports medicine and sports science, Dr Peter Brukner, told the club's website: 'He's got a significant hamstring injury. Unfortunately his body lets him down. He always play well when he's fit. We've been managing him carefully because he's not been playing twice in a week, but this just came out of the blue. 'He had a minor adductor strain a few weeks before that. We rehabilitated him and he trained all week with no problems at all. 'He's obviously very down. It was a sad sight to see him walking off the pitch. He's frustrated because he was playing well on Sunday. He was looking forward to getting a run of games but it wasn't to be.' Dr Brukner also revealed central defender Daniel Agger is unlikely to recover from a knee injury in time for Thursday's Europa League clash with Braga. He said: 'Daniel had a nasty kick on a joint to the side of his knee. It's an unusual spot to get an injury. They take time and he's a bit of a slow healer. 'He's still not 100 per cent so we'll have to see if he's fit for the game this week. But it's more likely to be the following week.' Martin Kelly, who has a similar hamstring injury to Aurelio's, and Jonjo Shelvey (knee) will definitely miss the trip to Portugal. Suarez sizzling against United was just the start as Luis vows: I'll get betterAldridge hails Suarez and says striker reminds him of Keegan and DalglishWatch all the Premier League goals every week on our brilliant video playerAll the latest Liverpool news, features and opinion Explore more:People: Martin Kelly, Fabio Aurelio, Daniel Agger Places: Liverpool, Portugal Keep up with all the premier league live matches. and whats going on with your favourite football team.
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Friday, March 4, 2011
West Ham v Stoke Live Match
The Hammers secured a shock 3-1 win over Liverpool last weekend to climb up from the bottom of the table. Goals from Scott Parker and Demba Ba had given West Ham a two goal lead by the halftime whistle and though Liverpool threatened a late comeback after reducing the deficit through Glen Johnson, Carlton Cole wrapped up the points with a third in the final minute of the game.
Manager Avram Grant was delighted with his side’s display and claimed that the quality of the team proves that they are at the wrong end of the league table. With both Wolves and West Brom facing difficult games, Grant will be keen to take advantage of any slipups by climbing out of the drop zone with another victory over Stoke this weekend.
Keep up with all the premier league live matches. and whats going on with your favourite football team.
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Manager Avram Grant was delighted with his side’s display and claimed that the quality of the team proves that they are at the wrong end of the league table. With both Wolves and West Brom facing difficult games, Grant will be keen to take advantage of any slipups by climbing out of the drop zone with another victory over Stoke this weekend.
Keep up with all the premier league live matches. and whats going on with your favourite football team.
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